
Zucchini cream pasta

Pasta is the most traditional Italian ingredient. You can combine pasta with basically every ingredient, vegetable, to have a delicious recipe. This time we will prepare it with a soft cream, made of zucchini, and we will reach the salty taste with speck sticks. At the end we will add a crunchy touch thanks to walnuts. The ingredients below are for 4 people.


  • 250 gr pasta
  • 3 zucchini
  • 100 gr speck sticks
  • 2 tablespoons oil
  • 12 walnuts


  1. Prepare the zucchini cream, using a minipimer. In case you do not have it at home you can obtain the same result chopping the zucchini. Let the zucchini cook in a large pot together with the oil. 15 minutes later add the speck sticks, and let the cream and the speck mix for a while, to have a tasty flavor.
Zucchini cream and speck

2. Cook the pasta in boiling and salted water, and once it is cooked mix it together with the cream. Only at the end, add the walnuts.

Zucchini cream pasta, with speck and walnuts

If you want to have a creamier sauce, you can add either cooking cream, or soft cheese, or even few spoons of milk.

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